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Active Lightworks

Feedback Report July to Dec 2018

Updated: Apr 8, 2019

Between July and December 2018 we received 18 feedback forms from Parents (and children) and staff. Of those 11 were where both the parent and the child had received Reiki, 3 were where the child alone had received and 4 where the parent alone had received Reiki. The statements are general and may apply to the child treated, the parent treated or both.

19 forms were received where the experience was rated as excellent.

In terms of the benefits:

17 agreed that the experience was relaxing,

14 agreed that it was a relief from stress,

1 agreed there was relief from pain,

12 agreed there was a feeling of general wellbeing,

10 agreed that it gave them an understanding of how complementary therapy might support their health,

10 agreed that it gave them a relief from anxiety,

10 agreed that it was a treat, 11 agreed that it was a new experience,

1 (staff member) stated that other benefits were, “Very calming on a busy ward. This is great to help us focus and relax us.”

There were 18 additional comments

"Most relaxed I've felt in months and really felt drifted away."

"Really valuable experience. Thank you!"

"One of the most positive sessions I've ever had."

"Very relaxing will look into more. Many thanks."

"Since my daughter started having reiki her bowel output has started goingdown which meant her food input has gone up and she is even able to have finger foods now. We also noticed that when she has Reiki she sleeps all through the night. Thank you for offering Reiki at the Alex."

"Lovely time to just chill . Thank you for a great session! I wish other people could experience the benefits of Reiki too :-)"

"Daughter seems to relax through treatment and enjoys the therapy."

"Fantastic with my son, giving him time to feel comfortable and working around him. Warm & positive. We are all, my family, very grateful with this treatment. A big Thank You!!"

"Fantastic! My sons oxygen levels increased to the highest they had been whilst he was having it done. For me it felt like a way to relax and like someone was caring and looking after me. A much needed release and treat. Thank you!!! "

"I felt very relaxed and almost straight away felt as though stress had been lifted from me. "

"My wife, my self and my son have all had Reiki at hospital. It has helped my son so much with the pain of his lungs."

"Amazing people with amazing skill to calm". Thank you. x"

"Really enjoyed my treatment and it was much appreciated after a stressful few days. Thank you."

"Very good "time out" and made to sit down and relax. Felt useful whilst doing."

"My 7 month old son has had this x3 times now each stay and its wonderful."

"Great work so calming and positive. Thank you :-)"

"I find Reiki to be a relaxing treatment for myself and son. It's nice to have me time to help in looking after my son in hospital which is stressful. Thank you. x"

"I and my daughter's father are Reiki practitioners. My child was resistant to being treated by us so it was lovely that she was offered the therapy while recovering in the Alex. She said it helped her feel more relaxed and has hopefully opened her up to treatment in the future.

Project Staffing

Through the second half of 2018 we had either 2 or 3 therapists working on the project (due to sickness). However over the whole of 2018 we were able to provide on average 39 hours of treatment. Giving on average 96 treatments/month.

A one off donation to Active Lightworks continues to fund a small proportion of the administration costs of the project. However, a significant part of the project administration is still done on a voluntary basis.

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